Colourful Lacquerwork

This range of furniture was created in the early 1990’s while working on an independent research project about the lacquered toys of Idar, a town located in Gujarat at the border of Rajasthan. The availability of solid-dense Doondal wood and raw lacquer in the nearby forest made the craftsmen utilize techniques like turnery and lacquer work. Beautiful toys like tops, toy-cars, parnas and dandiyas were created by the craftsmen by applying coloured lacquer over the turned wood. But with the arrival of plastic toys, these traditional products could not compete in the market and their demand got diminished.

To revive this craft and the craftsmen’s livelihood, a new range of component and assembly based furniture has been designed. The components are sized considering the craftsmen’s equipments that were used to create the toys. The traditional color palette has been retained in these contemporary Indian furniture pieces.